Profit Easily with Ada:
Real-Time AI Trading Insights
Cyborg Trading Pro is a simple AI system that works entirely on autopilot. Earn up to 15-30% monthly returns with our automated and semi-automated trading model. No experience is needed.

20 Years of Data, ada uses decades of data to forecast trends for smarter decisions.

Technical Analysis,ada provides clear buy or sell ratings from key indicators for informed trading.

Emotion-Free Analysis, ada simplifies market news to keep you confident in any conditions.

Precision Engineered For Success:
Ada’s Unmatched Performance

70% Accuracy Navigate market volatility with Ada’s top-tier risk management.

18 Million Insights, One Clear Path Ada turns complex charts into simple, actionable trading intelligence.

24/7 Trading Ada's advanced servers keep it always active

Profitable Since 2020: Our Proven Track Record
Automated Trading Made Simple with Ada

Scalping Auto Exit EA automates quick trades and smart risk management

Swing Trailing EA maximizes profits, adapts to market changes, and protects your trades.

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Monthly ($23+8%SST)$24.84/mo
  • Preferred option
    3 Mth (5% Off) (65.55 +8% SST)$70.80/qtr
  • Preferred option
    6 Mth (10% Off) (124.2+8%SST)$134.14/6 mnths
  • Preferred option
    12 Mth (17% Off) (229.08+8%SST)$247.41/yr

DFY Robot Setup for Mobile in VPS

1 mth VPS offer for Automated Trading, only $24.99!
Enjoy hustle free trading experience in mobile / VPS. Get our tech team to setup all of the robot for you to allow you trade even from your phone. Make trading easier!

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Cyborg Pro Package$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xCyborg Pro Package$0

All prices in USD

Tan Jian Wei

Highly recommended course if you want to learn about trading.

Swetang Chawda

Kudos to your team, Eason! Keep going and helping traders like us who really need lots of learning and support.

Lee Han Sien

Strongly recommend to all traders out there who are looking for automated trading bot
